Here at FIRST we use the EntreComp Framework to help in the design and delivery of all of our materials, as well as driving everything that we do.

The framework can be broken down into three interconnected, yet distinct competence areas: Ideas and Opportunities, Resources and Into Action. 

These areas are then comprised of five entrepreneurial competencies which together create the fifteen competencies that help individuals, teams and organisations develop an entrepreneurial mindset and to spot ideas and opportunities, and to create value for others.

Keep reading to find out about the five competencies that sit within the area of Into Action.

Acting and working independently to achieve goals, stick out intentions and carry out tasks. Taking up challenges. Beginning processes that create value.

Knowing and defining your priorities and setting short, medium and long-term goals. Being willing to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

Making decisions when the result of that decision is uncertain, ambiguous or presents a risk. Finding ways of testing ideas and prototypes. Handling fast moving situations.

Learning how to network. Working with others to develop ideas and turn them into action. Solving and addressing conflicts and facing competition positively when necessary.

Using any initiative for value creation as a learning opportunity. Learning with others, including peers and mentors. Reflecting from both success and failure, both your own and those of other people.

If you'd like to find out more about how we use Entrecomp in the development of our workshops then please get in touch below.

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