Level 2 'Customer Ready' Course

At FIRST, we're here to support your entrepreneurial dreams! Our FREE Level 2 Startup: Customer Ready course is your gateway to independence and success.

What You'll Learn: 

  • Understand the challenges and risks of starting a new business.
  • Develop your personal skills and abilities as an early stage founder
  • Learn what and how to plan for starting up
  • Understand the importance of business relationships and develop the skills to establish them
  • Master the principles of marketing and selling.
  • Get a grip on finance in a business context.
  • Develop your negotiation skills for sealing deals in your new business venture.

Click the button below and complete the form to connect with our team. We'll help you find the best dates that suit you!

Take the FIRST Step

This course is fully accredited through SFEDI, the leading Awarding body for enterprise, and is fully funded for *eligible participants from the Northeast combined authority area through the Adult Education Budget. 

*Eligibility is based on income, age and postcode area, when you enquire, we'll ask a couple of questions to establish eligibility. 

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