Intrapreneurial Skills

The role of the intrapreneur is to act like an entrepreneur within a large company or organisation.

Without intrapreneurs, innovation, competitive edge and creativity can be devalued causing lack of motivation and ownership of projects in staff teams. Coined in 1985 by Gifford Pinchot III, he defined the term as "dreamers who do. Those who take responsibility for creating an innovation of any kind within an organization."

At FIRST we recognise the 'intrapreneur' and can design our level 1 in Understanding Enterprise to develop essential entrepreneurial skills for entry level staff who need to build their confidence and commercial awareness. XL Health recently worked with FIRST to develop a bespoke training programme for their Kickstart placements to develop their team as intrapreneurs.

To hear more about their journey visit here and to find out about how we can work with your staff, contact us using the form below.

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