FIRST of all, let us just take a moment to welcome you back to the April edition of GET STARTED where we have handpicked some exciting opportunities for you to find work, skill up and crack on with some personal development.

Our theme this month is Financial and Economic Literacy and so as well as our usual opportunities we also have some hints and tips on how you can ensure you're putting some money to one side ready for a potential summer of catching up on all the spending we've missed. You know what they say: look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves!


As the country works towards the reopening of non-essential retail, there hasn't been a better time to pick up a full or part-time role. We've picked some of our favourites and dropped them down below for you. All jobs were accepting applications at time of publishing (10/4/21).

Front of House - Wagamama

Wagamama's are looking for a Front of House team member to join their Newcastle restaurant.

As a member of the front of house team you will be responsible for welcoming customers to the restaurant, creating a fun and positive environment and encouraging them to explore the menu and try new things.

There is no need to have previous experience, as they will deliver all training on the job - you also get a free meal on every shift.

This is a full-time role with an hourly pay of £8.91 per hour.

You can find out more here.

Customer Consultant - Body Shop

Body Shop are seeking to employ a new Customer Consultant in their Gateshead store. 

As part of this role you will be expected to support the store management team in driving sales and profit, as well as delivering excellent customer service at all times.

They're looking for applicants who can demonstrate strong interpersonal skills, an ability to effectively communicate, a genuine passion for the beauty industry and an openness to work weekends and evenings.

This is a part-time role working 20 hours a week.

You can find out more here.

Sales Assistant - Smiggle

Smiggle are a stationary store seeking to hire a sales assistant in two of their stores; Sunderland and Metro Centre.

These are small part-time roles, with four hours and eight hours available respectively, with the opportunity to flex-up hours when required. 

You can find out more about the Sunderland position here.

You can find out more about the Metro Centre position here.

Team Leader - Fenwicks

Fenwicks in Newcastle are looking for a new Team Leader to join their team in the TV and Audio team.

To be eligible for this role they are looking for someone who has some previous experience as either a team leader, or in a similar role and who is an excellent communicator as well as passionate about good customer service.

This is a full time role at 37.4 hours per week, with an hourly wage of £10.50.

You can find out more here.


Digital Skills - North Tyneside Council's Employment and Skills Service

If you are a resident of North Tyneside and you feel left behind by technology you might be eligible for six hours of free training to help you navigate essential, day-to-day digital skills such as using handheld devices (phones/tablets), staying connected with friends and family, uploading documents, navigating the internet and setting up and using email.

Sessions are delivered in a friendly and supportive environment and can be delivered on a one-to-one basis or in small groups.

To find out more email or call 0191 643 2288.



‘Financial and Economic Literacy’ is one of the fifteen EntreComp competencies and can be characterised as ‘being able to estimate the cost of turning an idea into a value-creating activity. Being able to put in place and evaluate financial decisions and managing finances to ensure activities last.’

So, after being Creative last month – it is time to become fiscally aware! (we know this isn’t as exciting but stick with us).

Knowing how to save money, when to spend it and when NOT to spend it is a life skill that most of us will likely spend our entire lives trying to master.

We’re not going to bore you with talk of pensions (though if you want to know more about the importance of paying into your pension you can find out here ) but we are going to give you a few handy tips to help you start putting a small amount of money away – when you can, for any upcoming future purchases.


Credit is a very easy trap to fall into – it almost sounds like free money doesn’t it? While Credit cards may be useful in some situations you hear way too often of folk, who just got in too deep and are now struggling to keep up with their monthly payments.

If you use credit (not as many young people do as you might expect) always ask yourself – ‘would I typically pay cash for this?’ and if the answer is no, chances are it is something you want, not something you need and can probably wait for now.

Speaking of wants and needs …


I can’t be the only one that feels like budgeting should be something we were taught in school, right? Would have saved me a LOT of trouble over the years.

When it comes to budgeting one of the simplest ways to help you compartmentalise what you are hoping to spend is to split your planned purchases into needs and wants. That rent payment? Very much NEED. The PS5 you’ve been desperately trying to find for the last six months? Very much a WANT (and if you manage to spot one, do let me know).

Doing this (especially if using something like a spreadsheet) will help you plan ahead for the month, allowing you to (sadly) decide when necessary if that PS5 is actually a right now purchase, or something you will be better able to afford in another six months’ time.

TRY THE 50/30/20 RULE

Following on from the above budgeting tip, why not try the 50/30/20 budgeting rule? Whether it be your Universal Credit payment, your student finance or income from your part-time job this is a proven budgeting tip that allows you to keep your head above water, spend money on yourself as well as put money to one side for those future big purchases.

The idea is simple, you spend 50% of your income on your needs, things such as your monthly rent, food shopping, gas and electric. Then you budget to spend 30% on your wants – this is the good stuff; the new clothes you want, that PS5 game you’ve had your eye on or any hobbies and then the last 20% you save, potentially using a savings app or putting it straight into a savings account.

Now it isn’t going to work perfectly for everyone (I’m having flashbacks to my student days when it felt like rent took at least 75% of my income) but adapting a system like this is a sure fire way to ensure you’ve got those all important savings while still being able to live your life.


There is no harm in realising you just don’t have a grip of your financial situation and seeking help or advice. Whether that is in the form of a budget planner (pop it in google – there are loads of free ones), using a savings app to do the leg work for you (but being wary of any charges) or seeking free independent advice (you can read more on that here from the moneyadviceservice) these are all totally normal and ok for you to do.

There is no harm in admitting we don’t always know what we are talking about (again – would have been great to have been taught this stuff in schools).


  • Talking Therapies -  If you are struggling with mental health, but feel you don't want to trouble your GP then you can self refer yourself. Don't suffer in silence contact talking therapies for free, friendly, confidential support.  
  • Samaritans -  If you or anyone you know may be at risk of suicide you can call their free listening service for free 116 123 .
  • Campaign Against living Miserably CALM - Provides listening services, information and support for men at risk of suicide, including a web chat.
  • Kooth - Counsellors available until 10pm every day. Free, safe and anonymous online counselling for young people. Check whether this is offered in your area.
  • Cruse – Cruse offer bereavement and counselling for anyone who is going through loss. You can contact them via their website or by calling 0808 808 1677.



A lot has changed in terms of lockdown since the last GET STARTED edition, with further changes on April 12th.

You can find a full list of what changes to expect as of Monday on the government website here, which we recommend you check on a regular basis to ensure you continue to comply with the law.

It is important to note that despite some restrictions lifting that you are still expected to wear a face covering in an indoor setting (such as the supermarket, place of worship or public transport) unless medically exempt, you CANNOT meet friends and family indoors unless they are part of your support bubble, and the 2 metres social distancing and rule of six still apply outdoors.

Thank you for joining us this month and make sure to return next month for our hand-picked opportunities chosen especially for you! Remember, that if these opportunities aren't right for you, they may be relevant to a friend or family member so give them a nudge and send them our way.

If you'd like to join our Newsletter so that you can get a monthly reminder direct to your inbox the first Saturday of every month please sign up here.

Finally, if you're a business or organisation and would like us to shout out about your opportunities you can contact us here.


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